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ADRC Minutes 01-20-2011
January 20, 2011, 5:45 p.m.

Members present: Rob Clapper, Dave Scwabe, Charles Regalbuto, Dave Goslin
Staff present:  Michele R. Lipe, Town Planner

Chairman Rob Clapper called the meeting to order at 5:50 p.m.

  • Appl. 11-03P, Medical Office Building (Kelley Property) - request for a site plan to construct a 15, 870 sf two- story medical office building on property located at 1559 Sullivan Ave and 29 Community Road, RC zone
Pat Gorman, engineer with the LRC Group, gave an overview of the project. The plan calls for a 15,000+ square foot two-story medical office building on the property at 1559 Sullivan Ave.  A full access drive is proposed onto Sullivan Ave with an interconnection to the Colonial Cornere development which fronts on Ellington Road. Minor improvements are show to the parking areas and access drive on that property. A sidewalk is planned along the Sullivan Ave./Community Road frontage as well as along the access to drive to Colonial Cornere development.  

The grade of the property drops off away from Sullivan Ave.  The first floor of the facility will be approximately 3 feet below Sullivan Ave.   

The landscaping proposed includes adding street trees in accordance with the Wapping landscaping plan as will replace any of the cherry trees that will be affected by access to the development.  Perimeter shade trees are shown around the parking areas.  Foundation plantings are proposed around the building.  A couple rows of junipers are proposed on the slope along the southerly property line.

There is a 50 foot buffer requirement along the westerly property line and the applicant is proposing to screen this area with a combination of arborvitaes, evergreens as well as deciduous plantings.  There are two tiers of plantings shown with a shallow detention basin designed to accept roof drainage.  

The lighting will be 25 foot high poles with 5 shoebox type fixture along with some building mounted lighting. All lighting proposed will be full cutoff fixtures.  Care was taken to minimize the lighting next to the existing residences.

Tanya Cutolo, Architect with the O,R&L was present to discuss the design and materials proposed for the building. The first floor of the building will be constructed out of brick and a stucco material will be used above a stone course band for the second story.  Black asphalt shingles, with a red accent, will be used on the roof.  

The entrance will be a two story arched structure (made from the brick) with an opening to allow light.  The pillars will be dressed up with a stone veneer.  All rooftop mechanicals will be hidden within the hipped roof structure. Samples of the materials/colors to be used were presented as well as colored renderings.

The signage designs have not yet be completed, but a monument sign will be proposed at the drive entrance on Sullivan Ave as well as a building sign.

The ADRC discussed the new proposal.   They were pleased with the design and felt it would fit in well in the town center area.

The committee had the following suggestions:

  • Screening should be provided around the transformer.
  • Location of the sign should be reflected accurately on the site plan; the applicant should consider using either brick or stone for the base of the monument sign

Respectfully submitted:

Michele R. Lipe, AICP
Town Planner